DB2 error SQLCODE=-803, SQLSTATE=23505 occurs during di-preprocess
--You attempt to run
di-preprocess against the master catalog on IBM WebSphere Commerce Enterprise
V7.0 Feature Pack 2, or a later feature pack, but the operation fails with the
DB2 error SQLCODE=-803, SQLSTATE=23505 on TI_APGROUP_0.
Master catalog id in my case is 10001
--To identify if
there is a catalog entry that has more than one parent category, run the
following SQL query against the database:
select catentry_id,
catgroup_id from catgpenrel where catentry_id in (select catentry_id from
catgpenrel where catalog_id = 10001 group by catentry_id having
count(catentry_id) > 1);
--To identify if the
issue is caused by a category having multiple parent categories in the master
catalog, run the following SQL query against the database:
catgroup_id_parent, catgroup_id_child from catgrprel where catalog_id = 10001
and catgroup_id_child in (select catgroup_id_child from catgrprel
where catalog_id =
10001 group by catgroup_id_child having count(catgroup_id_child) > 1);
--To identify if
there is a catalog entry that has more than one parent item, run the following
SQL query against the database:
catentry_id_child, catentry_id_parent from catentrel where catentry_id_child in
(select catentry_id_child from catentrel
group by catentry_id_child having count(catentry_id_child) > 1);
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