
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

To Change DB connection in Search -Solr ( WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 7)- Toolkit

Search DB mapping- settings - You may get this error if FEP7 was installed on mall DB and later DB2 localdb was restored .
          Caused by: Database 'c:\WCDE_E~1\db\mall' not found.DSRA0010E: SQL State = XJ004, Error Code = 40,000
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)


Go to :
WAS Admin Console : Environment >Naming > Name Space Bindings
Select ->
Change String value from
jdbc/WebSphere Commerce Cloudscape DataSource demo


jdbc/WebSphere Commerce DB2 DataSource demo

Restart Server

Installing WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 7

Option 1: Update Commerce Developer from FEP5 to FEP7:

1. Update RAD test server to and developer to iFix1 ( select IBM Software Delivery Platform , DO NOT select update all and do update). This will ask to update installation mgr to 1.7.2 also.

2. Apply FixPack 8
-Installation Manager > Update
-Select WC Developer.
-Follow instructions

3. Apply FEP7
-Installation Manager> Update  ( not Install as new)
-Select WC Developer.
-Follow Instructions​

Option 2: Uninstall Commerce Developer and install again with FEP7:

1. Uninstall features before uninstalling Fep5

      Stop RAD and Server
      Go to :

Execute in following order:

disableFeature.bat -DfeatureName=location-services
disableFeature.bat -DfeatureName=content-version
disableFeature.bat -DfeatureName=store-enhancements
disableFeature.bat -DfeatureName=management-center
disableFeature.bat -DfeatureName=foundation

 2. Uninstall FEP5, FP6 and Toolkit

Go to IBM Installation Manager > uninstall websphere commerce developer packages

After that DELETE C:\WCDE_ENT70 folder

3. Update WAS to

  • Open Installation mgr
  • Select update
  • Select IBM Software Delivery Platform
  • Deselect update all
  • Next
  • Give credentials if asked
  • This will ask to update installation manager to 1.7.2 . Click yes.
  • After upgrading installation manager restart installation manager and repeat above steps to update IBM Software Delivery Platform.

Update WAS screen

 4.Install Toolkit (CZ6CLML)

-Open IBM Installation Manager
-File > Preferences
-Add Repository
-Select CZ6CLML path and click ok.
-Again click Ok

-Go to install option in Installation manager
-Commerce Developer enterprise edition will be pre selected
-Next > Select installation directory as "C:\WCDE_ENT70"
-select toolkit only ( no need of sales center)
-install it

  1. Install Fixpack 8 - (7.0.0-WS-WCDeveloperEnterprise-FP008)

-Open IBM Installation Manager
-File > Preferences
-Add Repository
-Select 7.0.0-WS-WCDeveloperEnterprise-FP008 path (WCS Software\fixpacks\8.0\7.0.0-WS-WCDeveloperEnterprise-FP008\repository.config)
 and click ok.
-Again click Ok.
-Click Update in Installation Manager
-Select WebSphere Commerce Developer
-Follow instruction and install it -Fixpack 8

  1. Install FEP7  (WC_V7.0_-_FEP7_FOR_MP_ML)

-Open IBM Installation Manager
-File > Preferences
-Add Repository
-Select WC_V7.0_-_FEP7_FOR_MP_ML path (WCS Software\featurepack\7.0\WC_V7.0_-_FEP7_FOR_MP_ML\developer\repository.config)
 and click ok.
-Again click Ok.
-Click Install in Installation Manager
-Select WebSphere Commerce Developer
-Follow instruction
-Select 'ALL' features
-install fep7


DB2 error SQLCODE=-803, SQLSTATE=23505 occurs during di-preprocess


--You attempt to run di-preprocess against the master catalog on IBM WebSphere Commerce Enterprise V7.0 Feature Pack 2, or a later feature pack, but the operation fails with the DB2 error SQLCODE=-803, SQLSTATE=23505 on TI_APGROUP_0.

Master catalog id in my case is 10001

--To identify if there is a catalog entry that has more than one parent category, run the following SQL query against the database:
select catentry_id, catgroup_id from catgpenrel where catentry_id in (select catentry_id from catgpenrel where catalog_id = 10001 group by catentry_id having count(catentry_id) > 1);

--To identify if the issue is caused by a category having multiple parent categories in the master catalog, run the following SQL query against the database:
select catgroup_id_parent, catgroup_id_child from catgrprel where catalog_id = 10001 and catgroup_id_child in (select catgroup_id_child from catgrprel
where catalog_id = 10001 group by catgroup_id_child having count(catgroup_id_child) > 1);

--To identify if there is a catalog entry that has more than one parent item, run the following SQL query against the database:

select catentry_id_child, catentry_id_parent from catentrel where catentry_id_child in (select catentry_id_child from catentrel  group by catentry_id_child having count(catentry_id_child) > 1);

Adding New Currency 

To add a new currency (not supported by default) to WebSphere Commerce as a site supported currency:
  1. Add your national currency as a site-supported currency:
    insert into setcurr (setccurr, setccode, setcexp) values (<Alphabetic currency code as per ISO 4217>,
    <Numeric currency code as per ISO 4217>,<The exponential value by which a subunit of the currency (such as cents)is multiplied to get the main currency unit>)

For example:
insert into setcurr (setccurr, setccode, setcexp) values ('THB',818, -2);

  1. Add a description to your national currency at the site level for your language_id. You can add a description to your national currency in as many languages as your system supports.
    insert into setcurrdsc (setccurr, language_id, description) values(<Alphabetic currency code>, <language_id>,<description>)

insert into setcurrdsc (setccurr, language_id, description) values('THB',-1015,'Thailand Baht');

  1. Add a currency formatting rule
    insert into curformat (storeent_id, setccurr, roundingmultiple,numbrusg_id,roundingmethod, decimalplaces) values (<storeentity> ,
    <Alphabetic currency code>, <Rounding multiple according to national law or practice. For example, specify 5 to round dollars to the nearest five cent piece.
    The default value is 1>, <How to round to a multiple of ROUNDINGMULTIPLE: R = round normally - up or down - to the nearest multiple T = truncate
    - round down for positive amounts, round up for negative amounts>,
    <The number of decimal places in a rounded or truncated monetary

For example:
insert into curformat (storeent_id, setccurr, roundingmultiple,numbrusg_id, roundingmethod, decimalplaces, minapproveamount) values(-1,'THB',1,-1,'R',0,NULL)
insert into curformat (storeent_id, setccurr, roundingmultiple,numbrusg_id, roundingmethod, decimalplaces, minapproveamount) values(-1,'THB',1,-4,'R',0,NULL)
insert into curformat (storeent_id, setccurr, roundingmultiple,numbrusg_id,roundingmethod, decimalplaces, minapproveamount) values(-1,'THB',1,-5,'R',0,NULL)

Like USD:
insert into curformat (storeent_id, setccurr, roundingmultiple,numbrusg_id,roundingmethod, decimalplaces, minapproveamount) values(-1,'THB',1,-1,'R',2,NULL);

  1. Add a currency formatting description.
    insert into curfmtdesc (storeent_id, numbrusg_id, setccurr, language_id,currencysymbol,customizedcurrstr, currencyprefixpos, currencysuffixpos,displaylocale,
    currencyprefixneg, currencysuffixneg, radixpoint, groupingchar,numberpattern, description) values (-1,-1, 'THB', -1015, 'B', null, 'B', null,null, 'B-', null, null, null, '#,##0.00', '
    Thailand Baht');
    For more information refer to the 
    CURFMTDESC table.

  1. Add a conversion rule between the default currency of the store and the created currency:
    insert into curconvert (storeent_id, fromccurr, tocurr, factor,multiplyordivide, bidirectional, updatable, curconvert_id)values(-1,'USD','THB','44.62','M','Y','Y',-12);

For Example: Adding THB for language -1015 (custom) and -1 (en_US)

---Thailand Baht -THB---

insert into setcurr (setccurr, setccode, setcexp) values ('THB',764, -2);

insert into setcurrdsc (setccurr, language_id, description) values('THB',-1015,'Thailand Baht');
insert into setcurrdsc (setccurr, language_id, description) values('THB',-1,'Thailand Baht');

insert into curformat (storeent_id, setccurr, roundingmultiple,numbrusg_id,roundingmethod, decimalplaces, minapproveamount) values(-1,'THB',1,-1,'R',2,NULL);

insert into curfmtdesc (storeent_id, numbrusg_id, setccurr, language_id,currencysymbol,customizedcurrstr, currencyprefixpos, currencysuffixpos,displaylocale,currencyprefixneg, currencysuffixneg, radixpoint, groupingchar,numberpattern, description) values (-1,-1, 'THB', -1015, 'THB', null, 'THB', null,null, 'THB-', null, null, null, '#,##0.00', 'Thailand Baht');
insert into curfmtdesc (storeent_id, numbrusg_id, setccurr, language_id,currencysymbol,customizedcurrstr, currencyprefixpos, currencysuffixpos,displaylocale,currencyprefixneg, currencysuffixneg, radixpoint, groupingchar,numberpattern, description) values (-1,-1, 'THB', -1, 'THB', null, 'THB', null,null, 'THB-', null, null, null, '#,##0.00', 'Thailand Baht');

insert into curconvert (storeent_id, fromcurr, tocurr, factor,multiplyordivide, bidirectional, updatable, curconvert_id)values(-1,'USD','THB','44.62','M','Y','Y',-12);        

New Language Creation in WCS 


Creating Locale en_CA Steps:
 ( You can refer an existing language like en_US instead of en_GB here)

  1. Configuring bootstrap files from en_GB files

  • Copy wcs.bootstrap_en_GB.xml  and rename to wcs.bootstrap_en_CA.xml. Replace all occurrence of en_GB to en_CA
  • Copy wcs.bootstrap_en_GB_base.xml and rename to wcs.bootstrap_en_CA_base.xml. Add following two lines in it

<language language_id="&en_CA;" localename="en_CA" language="en" country="CA" encoding="UTF-8" mimecharset="iso-8859-1" />
<langpair storeent_id="-1" language_id="&en_CA;" language_id_alt="&en_US;" sequence="100" />

The character encoding used for MIME messaging. This value is different from the value used by browsers. For example, the de-facto character encoding for MIME messaging in Japan is iso-2022-jp, while the most commonly used character encoding in all other applications is Shift_JIS. in this example the following mimcharsets is used:
iso-8859–1  -> en
iso-8859–15 ->fr

  1. Edit the wcs.dtd file

Open the wcs.dtd file. Find the line:
<!ENTITY en_US "-1">

Add these entries:
<!ENTITY en_CA "-1001">
<!ENTITY fr_CA "-1002">

  1. Create multilanguage bootstrap files for Canadian English

  • Copy wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_GB_base.xml and rename to wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_CA_base.xml.
Replace all references from &en_GB; to &en_CA;

Search for <languageds language_id="&en_CA;" description="United States English" language_id_desc="-1" />
Add one more for new language:
<languageds language_id="&en_CA;" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="-1001" />

Add language descriptions for all other supported languages to allow other languages to have a translation for this locale:
<languageds language_id="-1" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-2" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-3" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-4" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-5" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-6" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-7" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-8" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-9" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-10" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-20" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-21" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-22" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-23" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-11" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />
<languageds language_id="-1001" description="Canadian English" language_id_desc="&en_CA;" />

  • Copy wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_GB.xml and rename to wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_CA.xml. Replace all references from en_GB to en_CA.

  • Locate all the remaining files that start with wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_GB_*.xml (excluding wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_GB_base.xml).
Make a copy of each file found in the previous step and rename it from wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_GB_*.xml to wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_CA_*.xml. For example, rename the copy of wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_GB_contract.xml to wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_CA_contract.xml.
Open each of the files created in the previous step for editing; replace all references of &en_GB; to &en_CA; (value used in language_id).

  • Save all files

    Loading Bootstrap Language Files into DB:


    1. Unzip  from $TFS\BUILD\locales\Sharpie_CA and copy the files to  <WCToolkit>\schema\xml\ directory
    1. Massload en_CA locale:
    cd to <WCToolkit>/bin
    massload.bat C:\WCDE_ENT70\schema\xml\wcs.bootstrap_en_CA.xml  localdb db2admin db2admin DB2ADMIN
    massload.bat C:\WCDE_ENT70\schema\xml\wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_CA.xml localdb db2admin db2admin DB2ADMIN

    Linux Server (change db details accordingly)
    /opt/IBM/WebSphere/CommerceServer70/bin/ -dbname WCD1 -dbuser wsppusr -dbpwd wspc0nn3ct -infile /opt/IBM/WebSphere/CommerceServer70/schema/xml/wcs.bootstrap_en_CA.xml -method sqlimport -commitcount 20

    /opt/IBM/WebSphere/CommerceServer70/bin/ -dbname WCD1 -dbuser wsppusr -dbpwd wspc0nn3ct -infile /opt/IBM/WebSphere/CommerceServer70/schema/xml/wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_CA.xml -method sqlimport -commitcount 20

Creation Files for CMC

Steps for en_CA files:

  1. SRC
Create the properties file for en_CA locale.The properties files can be found in WCDE_installdir\workspace\LOBTools\src\com\ibm\commerce\tool\client\lobtools\propertiesdirectory, where tool is the directory for a Management Center tool. You will be repeating this step for the following directories:attachement, catalog, foundations, marketing, promotions, price, catalog filter, store and more ( Refer enGB).Copy all the files in the properties file level that has "en_GB" embedded in the file name. In each copied file, replace "en_GB" with "en_CA" in the file name.

  1. Create a new package for the extension properties files.
Go to : LOBTools\src\com\<company name>\commerce\client\lobtools\properties\
Copy and rename to and replace contents with - languageOptionDisplayText_en_CA=Canadian English
Also add  languageOptionDisplayText_en_CA=Canadian English to file.

  1. Register the new properties in the resource bundle.
Go to : LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\lzx\commerce\shell\
In the shellResourceBundle_ext.lzx file, add the following code:
<wcfResourceBundleKey name="languageOptionDisplayText_en_CA" />

Add following to UserPreferencePanel.lzx
<wcfPreferenceValue textKey="${shellResourceBundleExt.languageOptionDisplayText_en_CA}" value="en_CA" />

Steps for en_CA:

  1. Perform the following steps for the following files:


  1. Create a new folder for your locale. For example, en_CA indicates a English language locale for Canada.

          Copy schema.xml and stopwords.txt /article.txt from another similar locale

Schema.xml changes:

   <filter class="solr.ElisionFilterFactory" articles="article.txt"/>
        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="French" protected="protwords.txt" />
        <filter class="solr.ElisionFilterFactory" articles="article.txt"/>
        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="French" protected="protwords.txt" />

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Updating OOB toolkit with FEP5 to FP8/FEP7

  1. Apply FixPack 8

  • Installation Manager > Update
  • Select WC Developer.
  • Follow instructions

  1. Apply FEP7

  • Update RAD test server to and developer to iFix1 ( select IBM Software Delivery Platform , DO NOT select update all and do update). This will ask to update installation mgr to 1.7.2 also.
  • Installation Manager> Update  ( not Install as new)
  • Select WC Developer.
  • Follow Instructions

Solr Issues:
After installing FEP7 on an FEP5 toolkit that has Aurora store, you won’t see departments when to take aurora site.
You will get " The store has encountered a problem processing the last request. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact your site administrator."
This means Solr is not indexed properly.


            Stop server and run setupSearchIndex.

         (Build search index for the new languages:  )   
Stop server.
DELETE folder -  C:\WCDE_ENT70\search\solr\home\MC_10001

cd C:\WCDE_ENT70\components\foundation\subcomponents\search\bin>
>setupSearchIndex.bat -masterCatalogId 10001
( warnings are ok .. Make sure wc-search.xml is generated in C:\WCDE_ENT70\workspace\WC\xml\config\ and Search\xml\config\

Start server
>di-preprocess.bat C:\WCDE_ENT70\search\pre-processConfig\MC_10001\DB2 -onelevel true

>di-buildindex.bat -masterCatalogId 10001
1) ADATTR issue while running  di-preprocess.bat

The value of a host variable is too large for its corresponding use.  Host variable=2. ERRORCODE=-4461, SQLSTATE=42815

Edit C:\WCDE_ENT70\search\pre-processConfig\MC_10001\DB2\wc-dataimport-preprocess-attribute.xml

<_config:table definition="CREATE TABLE TI_ADATTR_0_#lang_tag# (CATENTRY_ID BIGINT NOT NULL, ATTRIBUTES VARCHAR(16000), PRIMARY KEY (CATENTRY_ID))" name="TI_ADATTR_0_#lang_tag#"/>

Change to

<_config:table definition="CREATE TABLE TI_ADATTR_0_#lang_tag# (CATENTRY_ID BIGINT NOT NULL, ATTRIBUTES CLOB, PRIMARY KEY (CATENTRY_ID))" name="TI_ADATTR_0_#lang_tag#"/>

And restart server , run di-preprocess.bat C:\WCDE_ENT70\search\pre-processConfig\MC_10001\DB2 -onelevel true   
2)If getting error in buildindex:
Mar 18, 2014 11:34:36 AM getLocalizedMessage
FINER: RETURN Data import process was unsuccessful. An unrecoverable error has occurred.
Mar 18, 2014 11:34:36 AM printException
INFO: Data import process was unsuccessful. An unrecoverable error has occurred.
Throwable occurred: org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer$RemoteSolrException: Server at http://localhost:80/solr returned non ok status:500, message:Internal Server Error
at org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer.request(

Add port 80 to C:\WCDE_ENT70\workspace\WC\xml\config\\wc-search.xml
 <_config:common-http URL="http://localhost/solr"

Change to
 <_config:common-http URL="http://localhost:80/solr"

And run preprocess and buildindex again.

3) CommonsHttpSolrServer  solr issue:
[3/18/14 14:21:58:554 EDT] 00000035 webapp        E logServletError SRVE0293E: [Servlet Error]-[/Aurora/Widgets/Search/Search.jsp]: JSPG0049E: /Aurora/Widgets/Search/Search.jsp failed to compile :

JSPG0225E: An error occurred at line: 20 in the statically included file: /Aurora/Widgets/Search/JSTLEnvironmentSetupExtForSearch.jspf
JSPG0093E: Generated servlet error from file: /Aurora/Widgets/Search/Search.jsp

C:\WCDE_E~1\wasprofile\temp\localhost\server1\WC\Stores.war\Aurora\Widgets\Search\ : 12 : Only a type can be imported. org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CommonsHttpSolrServer resolves to a package

JSPG0225E: An error occurred at line: 39 in the statically included file: /Aurora/Widgets/Search/JSTLEnvironmentSetupExtForSearch.jspf
JSPG0093E: Generated servlet error from file: /Aurora/Widgets/Search/Search.jsp

C:\WCDE_E~1\wasprofile\temp\localhost\server1\WC\Stores.war\Aurora\Widgets\Search\ : 249 : CommonsHttpSolrServer cannot be resolved to a type

JSPG0225E: An error occurred at line: 40 in the statically included file: /Aurora/Widgets/Search/JSTLEnvironmentSetupExtForSearch.jspf
JSPG0093E: Generated servlet error from file: /Aurora/Widgets/Search/Search.jsp

C:\WCDE_E~1\wasprofile\temp\localhost\server1\WC\Stores.war\Aurora\Widgets\Search\ : 250 : CommonsHttpSolrServer cannot be resolved to a type


Update your storefront JSP files:
  1. Open the following file:
    For the Aurora starter store:
  1. Find the following snippet:
    <%@ page import="org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CommonsHttpSolrServer" %>
  2. Replace it with the following snippet:
    <%@ page import="org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer" %>
  3. Find the following snippet:
    if(solrServer instanceof CommonsHttpSolrServer ){
                serverURL = ((CommonsHttpSolrServer )solrServer).getBaseURL();
  4. Replace it with the following snippet:
    if(solrServer instanceof HttpSolrServer){
                serverURL = ((HttpSolrServer)solrServer).getBaseURL();
  5. Save your changes and close the file.