
Friday, June 10, 2011

Common Commands used in Member Module

-AddressAdd   :  Adds new entry in address table
-AddressDelete :  Deletes entry from address table
-AddressUpdate :   Updates specified address by creating a copy of address with updated values and make old one Temporary –‘T’
-AddressCheck :   Checks if user has at least one permanent address

Registration CMDs:
-  UserRegistrationAdd  :
-  Creates a store user.
- Information for new users is stored in the MEMBER, USERS, USERREG, MBRREL, MBRROLE, USERPROF, BUSPROF, USERDEMO, ADDRESS, and ADDRBOOK database tables.

-  UserRegistrationUpdate :  Updates registered user information. User should be logged in.

Logon and Logoff Cmds:
-          Logon – Logs user in
-          Logoff  - Log off user
-          ResetPassword -  Forgot password flow, tries to reset password by proving logon id and challenge answer.

Types of Users in wcs

Generic Users  :  id -1002
Guest Users:  An action like add to cart etc will convert generic user to guest
Registered users :  Has unique logon id and password.

Explain Organization in wcs


An orgEntity  is a member in MEMBER’s table with type –O.
It can be divided into Organization –O , Organization Unit –OU

Typically, you create organizations directly under the Root Organization, for example, "o=ibm,o=root organization".

Organization unit:
Organization units represent lower level organizational entities under a top-level organization, for example, "ou=software division,o=ibm,o=root organization".
(LEVELS specified from right to left)

select * from member where member_id=7000000000000001554; -- A member of type OrgEntity (O)
select * from orgentity ; -- 7000000000000001554 will be here in this table

Top level , automatically assigned all roles, Default MEMBER_ID= -2001

-Just below Root
-Registered user without a specific Org , Generic users, Guest Users goes here
-Default MEMBER_ID= -2000

What is Member Data Model?


Deals with users, user groups, organizational entities and roles.

-MEMBER : Can be considered as a superset of USERS. It contains members of type O- OrgEntity, U- Users , G- MemberGroup

-MBRGRP & MBRGRPMBR : Contain User Groups and user belonging to a particular user group
select * from member where member_id=8000000000000001003;  -- A member group (G)
select * from member where member_id=451064;  -- A user ( U)
select * from mbrgrp where mbrgrp_id=8000000000000001003;  -- Member group (G) entry should be there in MBRGRP table also
select * from mbrgrpmbr where member_id=451064; -- User (U) belongs to one particular Group (G)

-USERS : Contains registered users, guest users, and generic users. Subset of MEMBER.
-USERDEMO & USERPROF  : Additional info for USERS
-USERREG : Contains Registered users
-USERPWDHST :  stores the previously used passwords of a registered user.
-ADDRESS : Stores addresses of a member
-ADDRBOOK:  Container for all addresses of a member. Only one address book per member.

-MBRREL : Relates user and OrgEntity
select * from USERS where dn like '%bv21%';  -- users_id=63341484
select * from MEMBER where member_id=63341484; -- It is a user -U
select * from MBRREL where descendant_id=63341484; -- Relates a User -U to OrgEntity -O
  63341484  -2000   1       8338
  63341484  -2001   2       8913
(Sequence column: Relation to ancestor -1 means parent, 2 means grand parent, and so on.)

-MBRROLE : Assigns the reg. user a ‘role ‘ for the ‘OrgEntity’ for which he performs that role.
select * from MBRROLE where member_id=63341484;  --Assigns Role for an OrgEntity
63341484 -29    7000000000000001554       19070
select * from ROLE where role_id=-29;  -- Role here is Registered user.
select * from ORGENTITY where orgentity_id=7000000000000001554; -- A Org Unit (OU)